Quick Menu 2.1
Quick Menu XML is a useful web menu that is made to be used as navigation system for your web site.
Quick Menu XML is a useful web menu that is made to be used as navigation system for your web site.
The menu doesn't require macromedia flash program; it only requires the Flash Player that is installed on over 98% of the
Place the swf file in your web page, drag and drop in Dreamweaver or copy / paste from the provided html page the tags
needed to display a swf flash file; this is a simple procedure. The only files you need online are menu.swf and menu.xml. Fla
source file will also be included; Edit the XML file with a text editor like notepad form windows; Change the values between the
quotes to change menu color, text, URL to open and other options. You can add / remove XML lines to add or remove buttons
and sub buttons in the menu.
In addition to opening web pages menu can also be used to trigger flash specific actions like gotoAndStop, gotoAndPlay,
fscommand, loadMovie, getURL, it can also trigger a function which means that the actions it can trigger are unlimited.
Options you have in the xml file:
- buttons text
- button URL to open (or: frame to go, movie to load, etc)
- url target frame (or: movie clip holder when loading movies, etc)
- button width
- button height
- buttons space
- number of visible buttons to show at once (in above samples visible_buttons is set to 6)
- button color
- rollover button color
- borders color
- text color
- rollover text color
- auto_scroll on / off
- sensitive margins (the area size in pixels where the menu reacts and auto scrolling the menu)
- scroll bar on / off
- scroll bat position (distance between scroll bar and the menu)
- color of the dragable square (scroll bar)
- menu movement speed
the menu scroll bar visible buttons button color text color can also color rollover color text the xml your web xml file menu color menu xml

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