Mirramail 1.2.2
Mirramail is a complete email program, like Outlook or Outlook Express, except the emails you send can be easily secured with 256 bit AES Encryption at the click of a button.
Mirramail is a complete email program, like Outlook or Outlook Express, except the emails you send can be easily secured with 256 bit AES Encryption at the click of a button.
Mirramail is a great email program for all your email with an integrated Address Book for your Contacts and a PIM (Personal Information Manager) Scheduler and Calendar.
You can use Mirramail as a total replacement for Outlook or you can use Mirramail and Outlook together. Mirramail is compatible with email accounts that use standard POP3 and IMAP mail servers. Mirramail can also be used to secure your messages when you use Google Gmail, Yahoo Mail or AOL Mail services
Mirramail can help organizations eliminate the ongoing cost and management time associated with maintaining and issuing digital certificates and public/private keys.
Mirramail provides an automatic key management system that eliminates the need for the exchange of public keys, digital certificates or passwords. It can also provide confirmation of delivery, which is automatically generated when the recipient decrypts an email using Mirramail.
E-mail has change the way we communicate, but the lack of security means that E-mail is not appropriate when privacy and confidentiality are required. Mirramail now provides corporations and individuals with end-to-end security that is simple-to-use while maintaining the convenience and enormous cost benefits of E-mail.
Mirramail features
you can use mirramail can use mirramail can can also the recipient digital certificates contacts and 256 bit outlook express bit aes aes encryption your contacts

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