KoolMoves 10.1.9
KoolMoves is an affordable Flash authoring tool that is full featured and easy to use.
KoolMoves is an affordable Flash authoring tool that is full featured and easy to use. It is ideal for creating a wide range of web content with high impact visuals, MP3 and WAV sound.
KoolMoves takes an approach to Flash movie creation that is in tune with the animation process, because it was designed by a professional animator. It is a mature animation package with ease of use and power as guiding principles. KoolMoves makes it easy to create a Flash movie. All you need is an idea.
As Flash has developed into the standard for animation on the web, KoolMoves has emerged as an advanced but low cost alternative to Flash.
The functionality services a broad set of web design needs:
KoolMoves features
text effects character animation flash movie impact visuals high impact

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