VisiTunes 0.9.1
What is VisiTunes?
VisiTunes is a useful and reliable content-based MP3 playlist generator and jukebox.
What is VisiTunes?
VisiTunes is a useful and reliable content-based MP3 playlist generator and jukebox. It uses the audio content of MP3 files to calculate a measure of similarity between songs, and uses this information to generate and play lists of songs that it determines to be similar to a seed song selected by the user. It can create playlist files in M3U format that can be played with any media player program, or it can be used as an automated jukebox, selecting and playing similar song files. View the help file.
How would I use VisiTunes?
VisiTunes can be a great help if you want to select songs from your collection that match a certain style or type of music. It can perform this task automatically, saving the time and manual effort of searching for the right songs. You can use VisiTunes to select songs to copy to your MP3 player or PDA, to select songs to burn to a CD, or just pick a song and let VisiTunes select and play similar songs on the fly in jukebox mode. Of course once VisiTunes makes its recommendations, you can still edit and fine tune the list to your liking. VisiTunes helps you dig deep into your music collection, bringing up songs you may have forgotten about, or making connections that might not occur to you.
Can my computer run VisiTunes?
The current version of VisiTunes runs only under Windows (any version from 98 through XP) and works only with MP3 files. If you have a PC running Windows and a music library in the MP3 format, you can probably run VisiTunes. Future versions may support other file formats and other operating systems. VisiTunes continues to be a work in progress, but the current full featured pre-release version is available for free download and unlimited use.
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Download VisiTunes 0.9.1
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