multimedia › audio audio plugins free software
AdaptX for Winamp 3.61c
Ianier Munoz
Tired of hearing those amateurish DSP plugins?
Adapt-X turns your favorite player into a true DirectX plug-in host, allowing you to leverage the power of the industry-standard DSP plug-in architecture.
Chun-Yu Shei MP3 Output for Winamp
Chun-Yu Shei
Using this plugin you can encode MP3`s directly from Winamp, using LAME MP3 encoder.
SqrSoft Advanced CrossFading 1.7
Mariano Lopes
SqrSoft Advanced CrossFading is a crossfading plugin for Winamp.
Alion 1.0
Sycory Co
Alion will allow you to do your loved WinAmp translucent.
Winamp Mp3Pro Plugin 1.2
Play back mp3PRO files and streams on your Winamp player.
WinAmpBar 1.51 Development
WinAmpBar is a program, which adds the panel to your desktop, similar to taskbar, but on the WinAmpBar panel there are not application keys, but control elements of WinAmp player.
MAD Plug-in for Winamp 2.x v.0.14.2b
Robert Leslie
This is a MAD input plug-in for Winamp 2.
MP3 Output Plug-in 1.1
This plug-in can be used to convert most output formats to MP3.
iZotope Vinyl for Winamp 2 1.0
iZotope, Inc.
iZotope Vinyl for Winamp is a free DSP plug-in that uses advanced filtering, modeling and resampling to create authentic 'vinyl' simulation, as if the audio was a record being played on a record player.
WinAmp Plug-In File Writer 1.21b
I created this plugin to make it possible to give files date and time stamps in their filenames, now I have made a file writer plugin with multiple file format support that is quite powerfull and extensible.
WinampAC3 Plugin 1.01a
Alexander Vigovsky
WinampAC3 Plugin is a Winamp 2.
TransparentFX 1.81
TransparentFX is a general purpose plug-in for Winamp 2.
FASOFT Compressor 1.1
FASoft Compressor is a Compressor/Expander/Noise gate DirectX plug-in that works on audio data, and has separate settings for left and right channels.
Artem Kamchiline
With FlexTouch you don't need to activate Winamp to make an action like "play or pause" - just press a key combination (e.
Magic Iris 3.6
Mental Motions
Okay, you're interested in MP3, Winamp, its plugins and know what they look like.
MP3 Shield 2.4.3
Opensoft Corporation
MP3 Shield is a plug-and-play application developed to help you protect your music collection.
Sound System Modeler 1.0
Bobtail Software
Bobtail Software's Sound System Modeler is the new "must have" tool for mixing and mastering recordings!
It offers a variety of listening environments from your own monitor speakers.
Virtins Sound Card Instrument 2.0
Virtins Technology
Virtins Sound Card Instrument is a powerful PC based virtual instrument software.
SqrSoft Advanced Crossfading Output 1.75
Mariano Lopez
SqrSoft Advanced CrossFading crossfade two tracks, the one Winamp is playing and the next in the playlist.
Volume Logic for Winamp 1.3
Volume Logic makes any playlist sounds great with automatic adjustment of volume dynamics and spectral balancing.
Mp3-S 1.3
Tudor Dobrila
Mp3-S is a plug-in for Winamp that shows the song you are playing, in the Yahoo! Messenger status!
Here are some key features of "Mp3 S":
ยท You can add whatever text you want in the status.
Volume Logic for Windows Media Player 1.2
Volume Logic makes any playlist sounds great with automatic adjustment of volume dynamics and spectral balancing.
Volume Logic for MusicMatch 1.2
Volume Logic makes any playlist sounds great with automatic adjustment of volume dynamics and spectral balancing.
2xAV Plugin for RealPlayer 3.11 beta
The Enounce 2xAV plug-in adds a "slider bar" to the RealPlayer and RealOne Player that lets you change the playback rate of Video and Audio from 1/3 to 2.
Master Hammond B3 VSTi 2.2.1
MASTER HAMMOND B3 is a Virtual Hammond VST plug-in with a rich and authentic sound based on the legendary B3.