U-Upload Lite 1.7
U-Upload is a file upload FTP applet that runs in a web page.
U-Upload is a file upload FTP applet that runs in a web page. U-Upload will provide you a fastest method for file uploading on the web. U-Upload does not require a special server program or CGI in order to run like other upload components. It will connect to any standard FTP server, giving you full control over where files are stored.
The U-Upload applet is a Java applet that appears on the user's web browser. The user clicks on the Browse button to open the file browse window. Here the user is given the chance to browse through the local directory structure and select on mutliple files or directory for upload, after which the user clicks the Send button to upload the files to the FTP server. A file upload progress indictaor is shown during the upload process. The applet size, window and color can be changed using the configuration file.
Here are some key features of "U Upload Pro":
the user ftp server the upload user clicks applet that file upload

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