Tirminal 2.2
Tirminal is a windows application that provides its users with the option to send any size file and any volume of transfers to anyone on the internet – without requiring the recipient to install Tirminal themselves.
Tirminal is a windows application that provides its users with the option to send any size file and any volume of transfers to anyone on the internet – without requiring the recipient to install Tirminal themselves.
There is no size limitation or volume limitation on transfers. Users can send Files and Folders alike, as well as secure them with up to 256 bit encryption. Files are transfered point to point, and are sent at the FASTEST allowed transfer speeds provided to you by your ISP.
With Tirminal, you never need to worry about files being too big to email, or if you need to send the same group of files multiple times. The delivery method for the files is in a webtemplate formate (TMP - Tirminal Template). These TMP's

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