Swapper.NET 4.5.1660.30216
Revolutionary Stuff is proud to present Swapper.
Revolutionary Stuff is proud to present Swapper.NET - The Premier file sharing software!
Swapper.NET uses the latest peer-2-peer (P2P) technologies to let you download Music, Videos, Programs, and Pictures. As always, Swapper.NET is 100% free.
Swapper.NET is easy to use. Just download, install, and run. You don't have to configure a thing. But if you want, you can control numerous aspects of the software, especially in the areas of what if any files you wish to share with the world.
We try and release new versions of Swapper.NET at least once a month with new and exciting features. When this happens, the new code will automatically download and install. You will always be up to date. Take a look at our screenshots and look at the development history to see all the features we've packed in there. We've also had an exciting change in our policy concerning our source code. Check it out.

Download Swapper.NET 4.5.1660.30216
Download Swapper.NET 4.5.1660.30216
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