SpamX 3.0.1
SpamX is a tool that makes accurate reporting of spam as easy as hitting delete.
SpamX is a tool that makes accurate reporting of spam as easy as hitting delete.
SpamX is a tool to both block AND report spam that runs locally on your computer so you do not have to rely on some outside "service" that may be down or completely GONE tomorrow or the next day.
SpamX blocks spam using advanced proprietary technology developed and extensively tested for over 2 years and DOES NOT rely on lists of spammer addresses which change with every new "batch" of spam or even more often and require constant updating.
SpamX also does NOT attempt to use "content" based filtering which is equally usless for spam detection since spammers are constantly changing the content of their junk in an effort to evade such primitive forms of detection. SpamX IS highly configurable to put YOU in complete control of what IS and what IS NOT blocked and gives any user the option of easily reporting spam to the responsible ISP(s).
SpamX automatically interprets the complexities of email headers, determines the ultimate source of the spam and finds any and all relevant links to spammer websites and/or email addresses in the spam BODY. SpamX then looks up and returns a list of relevant ISP email addresses, generates a spam report to those addresses [YOUR email address is removed for safety] and allows it to be sent at your option - All with a single click.
SpamX retains copies of all reports sent so there is a record to support any legal action any user may wish to take against any spammer(s) or their ISP(s). SpamX also allows viewing any intercepted mail in its own SAFE inbox where your computer is protected from any malicious code or viruses [even "Web bugs"].
the spam email addresses any user spamx also does not your computer

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