Spam Crusher Enterprise 1.0
Spam Crusher Enterprise is a server side spam filter that will block unwanted email for your entire organization.
Spam Crusher Enterprise is a server side spam filter that will block unwanted email for your entire organization.
It acts as a gateway between the Internet and your email server...allowing only the good email to get to your coworkers.
It is VERY easy to set up. It takes 2 minutes and then you are everyone's hero because you are blocking their spam.
It does not affect the email your coworkers send out.
Your coworkers will be able to use their web browser to login to Spam Crusher Enterprise to look at their filtered mail and decide if they want to delete it, or salvage the mail. They will also be able to add people to their friends list and specify key phrases that identify good and bad email.
Security? Your coworkers user their existing Email User Id and Password to log in. You don't have to set anything additional up!
your coworkers you are crusher enterprise spam crusher

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