Spam Buster 1.11.0
Are you frustrated with the ever increasing amount of junk e-mail filling up your mailbox? Do you wish you had a quick and effective way to get rid of the junk e-mail that continuously clogs up your mail system? If you've answered Yes to the above then you need Spam Buster.
Are you frustrated with the ever increasing amount of junk e-mail filling up your mailbox? Do you wish you had a quick and effective way to get rid of the junk e-mail that continuously clogs up your mail system? If you've answered Yes to the above then you need Spam Buster.
Spam Buster is an e-mail filtering utility that specifically attempts to eliminate the junk before it gets into your incoming mailbox. Spam Buster can be run before you run your normal e-mail program or it can be set up to run automatically at intervals during the day notifying you of new mail with an alarm.
Watch the hilarious "SpamMeister" destroy spam with a mallet.
Spam Buster features
the junk spam buster mail with

Download Spam Buster 1.11.0
Purchase: Buy Spam Buster 1.11.0
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