SMS Reception Center 1.95
SMS Reception Center - you can easily set up SMS to e-mail gateway, SMS chat, conference, newsgroup and any other messaging service.
SMS Reception Center - you can easily set up SMS to e-mail gateway, SMS chat, conference, newsgroup and any other messaging service. You can make your SQL database accessible remotely with SMS commands.
It works with many cell phones and GSM modems. You can specify any number of rules that will be used to handle each SMS message.
You can use this program to open a small SMS service.
If you combine SMS Reception Center with other widely-known programs, you can use it to do a lot of funny things. SmsRc and Winamp make SMS-controllable jukebox, SmsRc + Resource kit + some other utilities make a powerful tool for remote administration and server monitoring.
You'll most likely discover other where the program is useful, as a lot of our customers already have done so.
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Download SMS Reception Center 1.95
Download SMS Reception Center 1.95
Purchase: Buy SMS Reception Center 1.95
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