Sigma Launcher 1. Beta 20
Sigma Launcher is an easy-to-use program launcher and window manager.
Sigma Launcher is an easy-to-use program launcher and window manager.
You can start ('launch') any application you want in one mouse click (just one!), using launch menu. Launch menu is shown automatically, every time you place mouse pointer at top-left of the screen. Try this menu once and you will understand how to use them.
As window manager, the program can maximize, minimize, restore, close program windows, etc. Press and hold down middle mouse button (or another, see Changing options) and move the mouse at specified direction, that is all!
By statistic, a lot of mouse movements in Windows(tm) is related to window management operations. With Sigma Launcher you don't need to 'concentrate' on the application title bar buttons (like a sniper!), they are so small, right?
So, Sigma Launcher optimizes your work by decreasing mouse movements and saving your time and attention for other - more important actions.
Sigma Launcher also supports additional operations, such as: shutdown/reboot the PC, minimize/restore all windows, run a program (as mouse command), and others.
Of course, you can modify standard keys and operations as you wish, depending on your current business, and other circumstances.
When Sigma Launcher is loaded into memory, is shown an icon in the System Tray (at the bottom-right side of the screen - across the clock). Until Sigma Launcher processes a command, the tray icon color changes, so you can see that it works.
Here are some key features of "Launcher 1.10":
Extended Launch Menu
System commands added to menu:
Customizable Mouse Commands
launch menu you can sigma launcher the mouse move the the program this menu mouse pointer mouse commands operations such mouse movements specified direction reboot the

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