sharpVoice Client 6.0
sharpVoice (formerly CyberTalkOnline) is a mature, reliable internet telephony program that enables free PC-to-PC and inexpensive PC-to-Telephone voice conference calls.
sharpVoice (formerly CyberTalkOnline) is a mature, reliable internet telephony program that enables free PC-to-PC and inexpensive PC-to-Telephone voice conference calls.
sharpVoice Version 6.0 offers great sound quality even over slow internet connections and the ability to conduct multi-person conference calls without a conferencing server.
A simple Instant Messenger-like buddy list and easy-to-use interface makes placing calls easy. Network-friendly design lets you make and receive calls even if you use a firewall or proxy server.
Record and playback conversations. Fully functional and ad-free for 30 days. Then you must register to make multi-person conference calls, PC-to-Phone calls, and to avoid advertising.
Contains NO SpyWare.
conference calls person conference multi person

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