Secured eMail Reader 3.0
Secured eMail Reader software was designed with the recipient in mind, making the otherwise unsecure means of communication, secure for all users.
Secured eMail Reader software was designed with the recipient in mind, making the otherwise unsecure means of communication, secure for all users.
Implementing a security solution is important; however, it is equally important that the receiver doesn’t feel burdened by the process. Any Windows user can receive a secured email. They simply download a free Reader (similar to downloading the Adobe PDF Reader). With the Reader the recipient can open the secured email.
If the receiving party uses any of the supported email clients, they can reply secured for free as many times as they like. This means that you can have a secure communication with receivers without forcing them to buy any software or hardware. All secured emails sent also have a very easy to understand explanation regarding the secured email, including how to download the Free Reader and open the email.
Ease of use
Unlike PKI solutions that rely on you having a certificate before even you can even receive an encrypted email, Secured eMail lets the sender choose a one-time shared secret that works like a password for you as a recipient. It is called a "one-time shared secret" because it is only used once. After you have opened the first secured email for that contact, it will never be required again - Secured eMail will handle it for you. This is also where the power lies.
Secured eMail relies upon System SKG (Synchronous Key Generator) to handle the encryption keys that it uses. It is fully automated and doesn't require any interaction with the user. This is a completely transparent system and thereby not enforcing a new working routine for the user. All they do is click the "Send secured" button instead of "Send", and the email is secured and on its way to the recipient.
Secured eMail Reader features
With Secured eMail Reader installed, you can read secured emails that you receive through webmail, or any email client.
If you are using any of the fully supported email clients, Secured eMail will integrate itself with that and you will be able to also Send 10 FREE secured emails.
If you are using any of the fully supported email clients, Secured eMail will integrate itself with that and you will be able to reply secured for FREE, without purchasing a license!
Send/Receive secured emails wherever you are! Secured eMail works on any internet connection, regardless of where you are located.
Sending secured is just as easy as sending regular email. All you do is click "Send secured" instead of the Send. You can of course use your existing email account(s).
secured email you can secured emails email clients supported email you are with the the recipient email reader email will fully supported using any clients secured

Download Secured eMail Reader 3.0
Download Secured eMail Reader 3.0
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