RSSNewsTicker 0.9.6
RSSNewsTicker is a new ticker applications for displaying RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds, you can click on any feed item and go straight to the link! Download it here
RSS is an XML format used for syndicating news and similar content from online news sources.
RSSNewsTicker is a new ticker applications for displaying RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds, you can click on any feed item and go straight to the link! Download it here
RSS is an XML format used for syndicating news and similar content from online news sources.
Note: Free for non-commercial use
RSSNewsTicker features
Feeds: (in the Options dialog, Feeds tab)GUI: (in the Options dialog, Options tab)
Proxy Authentication support
change ticker basic authentication feed lists support for options dialog the options

Download RSSNewsTicker 0.9.6
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RSSNewsTicker 0.9.6
RSSNewsTicker is a new ticker applications for displaying RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds, you can click on any feed item and go straight to the link! Download it here
RSS is an XML format used for syndicating news and similar content from online news sources.
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