QuikLinc 1.02
QuikLinc is designed to make daily/weekly changes to a webpage easy and quick.
QuikLinc is designed to make daily/weekly changes to a webpage easy and quick.
QuikLinc gives you the ability to update pages with content such as file downloads, links to other websites, diary / blog type pages, restaurant menus, latest news / tip of the day, timetables and meeting agenda's ... without the need to for you to have a web publishing program.
It does this by altering the static page content between predefined markers in the original web page. QuikLinc will get the existing page from the website, alter it as required, and then upload the changed page back to the website again.
QuikLinc is especially useful where the content changes are best done by someone other than the webmaster.
e.g. Club secretary uploading the minutes of a meeting or the software team putting a new update on the web for their users.

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