Newssifter 1.5 build 1425
NewsSifter is an application that was developed as a first of it's kind RSS news reader.
NewsSifter is an application that was developed as a first of it's kind RSS news reader.
NewsSifter uses advanced Bayesian Analysis technology to automatically classify news stories in to user defined category and to sort out the stories that you the user find interesting.
NewsSifter is flexible, it learns form you, and imposes no limits. You can define the category that make sense to you. NewsSifter will watch how you move stories into categories and it will learn what type of stories go in what category.
NewsSifter requires no complex Rules or scripting. It simply looks at what you like and dislike, and starts to present you with the content you like while lowering the single to noise ration that plagues most RSS news readers.
NewsSifter Learns, The more you use it the better it gets at classifying stories for you and picking out the stories you like. There is no complicated "training" involved, just use it and it will learn.
you like will learn you and the stories out the rss news

Download Newssifter 1.5 build 1425
Download Newssifter 1.5 build 1425
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