MailDetective for MDaemon 1.2k
Communication technologies evolve with blazing speed.
Communication technologies evolve with blazing speed.
Modern computer technologies boost business performance and collaboration over the enterprise. Day after day, we tend to rely heavily on e-mail as an ultimate communication technology due to some of its vital characteristics, namely speed, simplicity and standardization.
That is why most businesses today depend on reliable and manageable e-mail solutions. Talking manageability, there is an aspect that is rarely taken into account upon initial communication system planning - the actual control over messages sent and received, e-mail traffic flow, bandwidth limitations and user quotas.
However, the demand for effective server-based e-mail management and reporting solutions grows rapidly together with the overall number of messages transmitted. At some point, it becomes clear that without proper reporting tools the whole system may go out of control.
And that is when MailDetective for MDaemon by ADVSoft, the unique corporate e-mail management and reporting software comes into play! MailDetective for MDaemon is used to analyze Alt-N MDaemon mail server log files and generate extensive e-mail usage reports basing on inbound and outgoing traffic flow, distribution between e-mail system users and actual e-mail addresses.
You can instantly gather required information on any of your employees' e-mail communications for given period of time, view it in built-in browser or print it out immediately!
The command line module allows automating MailDetective actions which is very convenient for typical reporting tasks, such as automatic generation of daily e-mail usage reports sent to specific e-mail address.
Studies indicate that installing MailDetective may result in overall increase of e-mail system performance up to 40 per cent.
Moreover, revealing the facts of intentional use of business e-mail to send private messages may also result in significant cost reduction. So go ahead and try MailDetective today!
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Download MailDetective for MDaemon 1.2k
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