Mail Direct 2.6
Mail Direct is a program that will allow you bypass your ISP's mail server and use your computer to send e-mails directly to recipients.
Mail Direct is a program that will allow you bypass your ISP's mail server and use your computer to send e-mails directly to recipients.
Send your mail directly and fast with Mail Direct!
The program can do this because it has a built-in SMTP server which you can use instead of your ISP's mail server.
All you have to do is set up your e-mail client to use "localhost" as your outgoing mail server and run Mail Direct.
The program will then deliver any e-mail that you send out through it, and it will terminate delivery of messages that you have sent out to wrong or bad e-mail addresses. Mail Direct Pro has more options and powerful mail processing ability for professionals.
Mail Direct works with most e-mail programs, such as Outlook Express, The Bat, Eudora, Foxmail, and many more. It has a built-in SMTP server, which your e-mail client will use to send messages. It receives the messages from your client and then sends them directly to your recipient's mail server, bypassing your ISP's mail server.
All you need to do is change the address of the outgoing mail server (SMTP) in your e-mail software from the name of your ISP's mail server to "localhost". Mail Direct will then be designated as your SMTP server.
Mail Direct allows multi-threaded & high-speed mailing. At the time of transmission it can verify target e-mail addresses.
Mail Direct features
mail direct mail server your isp smtp server your message mail client from your outgoing mail direct will send your server and the program your mail

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