Macromedia Shockwave Player
Shockwave Player is the web standard for powerful multimedia playback.
Shockwave Player is the web standard for powerful multimedia playback. The Shockwave Player allows you to view interactive web content like games, business presentations, entertainment, and advertisements from your web browser.
Over 200 million web users have installed the Macromedia Shockwave Player. These people now have access to some of the best content the web has to offer including dazzling 3D games and entertainment, interactive product demonstrations, and online learning applications. The Shockwave Player displays web content that has been created by Macromedia Director, including content made with previous versions and Director MX 2004
Flash experiences across desktops and devices.
Flash lets designers and developers integrate video, text, audio, and graphics into effective experiences that deliver superior results for interactive marketing and presentations, e-learning, and rich Internet applications.
Play 3D games, view product demos, online learning applications...etc.
Flash is the world's most pervasive software platform, reaching 97% of Internet-enabled desktops worldwide, as well as many popular devices.
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Download Macromedia Shockwave Player
Download Macromedia Shockwave Player
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