HTeMaiLer 1.09
HTeMaiLer is an program I wrote to to send HTML Emails.
HTeMaiLer is an program I wrote to to send HTML Emails.
I was finding Outlook and other email clients, as complex as they are, just didn't give you the straighforward capability to send formatted HTML emails to multiple users.
It is not designed to compete with the heavyweight bulk email applications that are available and is more aimed at low level users.
This is a great tool for small to medium size businesses, clubs, schools, organisations, webmasters, eBay entrepeneurs or even just individuals looking to keep their members/subscribers/family up-to-date with news/offers/latest info etc. and all you will need is a little HTML knowledge to build up your HTML emails before using HTeMaiLer to send them out.
It uses SMTP protocol to send emails via an assigned SMTP server address. This could be your current Internet Service Provider or, if you are feeling brave (and careful) enough, your own SMTP server using IIS. The development of the program is ongoing and I will post updates on a regular basis.
HTeMaiLer features
html emails email addresses when sending allow you smtp server

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