Happy Harvester
Happy Harvester - if you have searched for something using Yahoo, Google or a business directory on the web, you probably noticed that the results of your search usually have the same logical structure.
Happy Harvester - if you have searched for something using Yahoo, Google or a business directory on the web, you probably noticed that the results of your search usually have the same logical structure. Happy Harvester can extract this structured data and store it in a delimited file format. Once your data has been saved, you can import the data in Microsoft Excel or any other database program.
Happy Harvester is a useful utility that helps you to extract , store and import data from websites.
Before you can extract the data, you have to analyse the HTML source you want to harvest. You can tell the Happy Harvester to extract data between two HTML strings. The (text) data in between will be stored. You can create multiple selection sets and extract for example titles, prices, stock info, etc. With this you could for example query a music CD store for artists, album titles and prices or obtain stock info on a regular basis.
For crawling multiple web addresses you can import a list of url's. Or you can use the url-generator to build a range. This last option can be useful if there is a logical structure in the url using numbers. Many business directories, web-forums and search engine results are using a structured url for querying their databases. Some example profiles are included with Happy Harvester for your inspiration.
Once you have successfully harvested your data, you can store your settings in a profile. The profile can be used to restore settings and harvest new data if you want to update your database.
Happy Harvester features
you can happy harvester you have for example you want stock info url generator the url data you the data logical structure can extract your data

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