GoogleIzer 1.00
GoogleIzer is a program that gathers search results from Google and then clusters, indexes, and sorts those results.
GoogleIzer is a program that gathers search results from Google and then clusters, indexes, and sorts those results. Clusters are groups of related search results. The index is automatically built from the search results. In addition, marking interesting search results or index words finds related results or words, as measured by updated relevance bars.
Unlike other search tools, marking an index word of interest automatically updates the relevance of all results to that word. The results of interest can be found without having to scan through the entire list of results. Marking an interesting result also updates the relevance of all results to the marked result.
You can automatically adjust the number of clusters created for either a broad overview of results, or a detailed view of result clusters. The number of index words can also be adjusted, from the most common words to all words, even those appearing in only one page. Finally the number of results to get can be adjusted from 50 up to 1 total results.
GoogleIzer features
search results index words the number the relevance and results adjusted from all words words and export index updates the from google results from from the

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