ClickTracks Analyzer 6.5.2
ClickTracks Analyzer - a visual approach to understanding how visitors interact with your website.
ClickTracks Analyzer - a visual approach to understanding how visitors interact with your website. Fundamentally different website analytics that displays visitors behavior in context with the site itself. Ideal for right-brained thinkers and those who are tired of long tables of numbers produced by other analytics software.
Your actual HTML pages are displayed overlaid with data that visually shows how many people navigate any link. The pages of your site are live: click a link and the data for the next page is displayed. ClickTracks goes even further by displaying the time spent and other data, along with a map of your site and how people navigate. Different groups of visitors can be compared through the use of 'tagging'. Taging is simple to use and require no database or programming. A user population is tagged with a single click, selecting the criteria to identify those users - such as referring site name. Once tagged the data for those users is broken out seperately and can be compared to other users at a glance. ClickTracks can focus in on the most important visitor groups and highlight their behavior.
ClickTracks Analyzer is a website visitors behavior counter and monitor tool.
ClickTracks works by importing the web server log file. It supports Apache and IIS web servers among others.
ClickTracks Analyzer is very simple to setup - taking on average 10 minutes. Complex analysis and ad-hoc reporting can be performed through a powerful wizard based tool. It's blazing fast - processing 1Gb of log data in 5 minutes.
ClickTracks Analyzer features
clicktracks analyzer through the those users data for your site visitors behavior people navigate the data

Download ClickTracks Analyzer 6.5.2
Download ClickTracks Analyzer 6.5.2
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