BackLinks Master 1.5
It is very well-known that back links are an important way to increase the rank in search engines for your webpage.
It is very well-known that back links are an important way to increase the rank in search engines for your webpage.
No matter how did you get inbound links to your site, in either way you need a tool to control the status of the links - if they still point to your website, what anchor text do these backlinks have and so on.
Of course, you can check the status of the inbound and reciprocal links yourself, by hand. But it is a huge time-saver to use BackLinks Master instead. BackLinks Master helps you find who is linking to you, is this link direct or goes thru JavaScript and what keywords does it have in anchor text.
BackLinks Master is a free back links checking software.
backlinks master anchor text the status back links

Download BackLinks Master 1.5
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