AOL Suite
The AOL Suite is a suite of independent, integrated applications, currently including AOL Mail, AOL Explorer and AIM Triton, that are designed to work together to provide you with a more efficient, flexible and convenient online experience.
The AOL Suite is a suite of independent, integrated applications, currently including AOL Mail, AOL Explorer and AIM Triton, that are designed to work together to provide you with a more efficient, flexible and convenient online experience. You can open and close each application individually, as needed, or use them in combination with one another.
The AOL Suite is designed to help you get the most out of your Internet connection - particularly high-speed, as well as dial-up. The applications within the suite are integrated, so they can work together seamlessly, but they also work independently so you can spend your time online more conveniently. For example, in the AOL Suite beta, a feature called QuickNote which allows you to create your message and then choose which AOL application to use to send it.
Also, in a suite, capabilities from one application can be invoked from other applications where appropriate. An example of this is the ability to access information added to the address book from mail, IM, or almost any other place a Screen Name is displayed.
Lastly, in a suite environment, applications can save and share your information so that, for example, you don't have to re-type the same addresses or passwords over and over. All of the applications within the suite are compatible and integrated. And all applications will come with safety and security features that help to protect you, your family and your computer from viruses, hackers and identity thieves.
The AOL Suite Preview is an integrated suite of independent internet programs that streamline your online experience. The programs that will be installed on your computer are:
the aol aol suite suite are the suite for example address book programs that your computer within the the applications aol explorer aol mail work together

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