Air Messenger LAN Server 11.0.5
The Air Messenger LAN Server is probably the most advanced network wireless messaging software available that has been designed specifically for the network environment.
The Air Messenger LAN Server is probably the most advanced network wireless messaging software available that has been designed specifically for the network environment.
Air Messenger LAN Server running on a single workstation is a useful program which lets your entire office to send alphanumeric pages to anyone without the need of a modem line at each work station. All pages are sent over your existing network to the Air Messenger LAN Server for processing. Additional support has been implemented for SNPP that allows other messaging software that conforms to the SNPP protocol to send messages through the Air Messenger LAN Server as well (SNPP Forwarding Proxy Server).
The Air Messenger LAN Server also supports ETAP which allows for message delivery confirmation when used with SMS systems like Nextel or other Digital Cellular Carriers. New in 5.0, the Kenwood FleetSync protocol was add. This allows you to send text message to your Kenwood FleetSync enabled 2-Way radios. Air Messenger LAN Server is a must-have for organizations that depend on alphanumeric messaging devices. In version 6.7 MX record lookup has been added for quicker delivery of e-mail pages as well as SSL (secure Socket Layer) support so that WCTP pages can be sent securely.
A new mobile client has been added to allow mobile users to use the client independent of the server or connect through the server when in the office. The mobile client will also provide redundancy by downloading the data locally and using this data in stand alone mode should their be a LAN connection failure.
Air Messenger LAN Server features
messenger lan lan server air messenger has been support for the air mobile client mail paging server for paging built been added the server windows messaging

Download Air Messenger LAN Server 11.0.5
Download Air Messenger LAN Server 11.0.5
Purchase: Buy Air Messenger LAN Server 11.0.5
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