Aggressive Spam Defense 2.32
Aggressive Spam Defense will keep your inbox clean by deleting unwanted emails even before the user sees them.
Aggressive Spam Defense will keep your inbox clean by deleting unwanted emails even before the user sees them.
The core of ASD is based on spam indexes. It simply means that if an email has certain characteristics - such as a specific phrase, sender-address, attachment, etc. - each of them can add a configurable spam-index to that email.
They are then added up, and if the sum is over the spam-threshold, the email is treated as spam.
This makes a very accurate, flexible, and easy to use system. You hardly ever have to touch the keyboard to operate ASD. To tune it to the kind of email that you receive, just click a button and drag a bar and ASD will adjust to your new settings.
A huge percentage of spam will be detected right after installation. Still it allows you to easily adapt it to the particular type of email that you receive. You can fiddle with knobs and sliders if you want to.
In addition you have a Safe preview built in. This lets you safely read the email from within ASD. If the email should contains a virus, your computer will not be infected. And those 'call home' emails that are so frequently used by spammers will be prevented from doing just that.
Advanced Spam Defence is one of the most sophisticated anti-spam solutions available!
Each individual email account can operate in one of four modes:
All clean (AC): All emails are treated as clean and will be marked as such with a green color and a white heart next to it. This should be very useful in situations where you want to by-pass all spam-filters and only use the mail notification features of ASD.
Color-code only (CC): Every email is run through the filters and colored according to how much spam-index is accumulated. Emails are never automatically deleted.
Force delete (FD): All emails go through the spam-filters, but only those that have characteristics that are marked with Force delete in the spam-lists will be automatically deleted. All others will be colored according to the spam-index acquired. A great feature to prune your inbox substantially with ultimate control.
Delete all spam (DS): All emails that accumulate more spam-index than the threshold will be deleted - including those marked with Force delete. You will only see green and yellow emails listed. This is the most aggressive setting.
Aggressive Spam Defense features
spam index the spam all emails force delete the email filters and spam filters emails are mail notification all spam automatically deleted with force marked with

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Download Aggressive Spam Defense 2.32
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