Active Email Monitor 2.F
Active Email Monitor is an email utility that can check multiple accounts for email, but it can do so much more.
Active Email Monitor is an email utility that can check multiple accounts for email, but it can do so much more.The program is more than just an "email checker" and can protect you from garbage mail and harmful elements that are often sent via email.
Active Email Monitor serves to protect from junk email because it serves as a SPAM filter. You can use the program to create any number of filters and thereby cut down on the amount of "junk" email you receive. In addition, Active Email Monitor can also protect you from harmful items that can be sent via email.
The program is anti "bomb" and also anti virus! It can screen against harmful emails like the well-known "ILOVEYOU" or "Melissa" and other email worms. By being able to identify such harmful email before you ever open it, Active Email Monitor keeps you and your computer safe.
The program can recognize potentially harmful items and can neutralize them before they cause you problems! The registered version of the program has a built-in feature that updates the programs filter database while you're online.
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Download Active Email Monitor 2.F
Download Active Email Monitor 2.F
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