WinAmp Plug-In File Writer 1.21b
I created this plugin to make it possible to give files date and time stamps in their filenames, now I have made a file writer plugin with multiple file format support that is quite powerfull and extensible.
I created this plugin to make it possible to give files date and time stamps in their filenames, now I have made a file writer plugin with multiple file format support that is quite powerfull and extensible.
At this moment it will let you specify a directory to write files in, it will let you choose between the raw, ape, mp3, ogg and wave file formats and it supports three different modes for creating a filename, just title simply uses the title as a filename, expanded title uses the title but expands some variables just like with the title option of my LineIn plugin (see the Option reference of my LineIn plugin), the expandable string option enables you to specify an expandable string which is used to create the filename (usefull with a setting like: %ut - on %dl), you have to use at least %ut (unexpanded title), %et (expanded title) or %p# with that option, %p# expands to the playlist position (padded with zeroes upto # digits).
The plugin can also insert the following into the filename:
* the current username (%ur)
* the computername (%cr)
* the number of tracks in the playlist (%n#, works like %p#)
For some formats to be available (MP3 and Ogg Vorbis) you need seperate dlls, I have not included them in the standard distributable because they are relatively large and probably not everybody needs all formats anyway.
Current features:
* Lets you specify an output directory (as well as a relative directory per file by using backslashes in the expandable string for the filename)
* Has support for three different filename modes (including expanding like with the title option of my LineIn plugin)
* Supports .mp3, .ogg, .ape, .flac, .wav and .pcm file writing
* Works on Windows 9x/ME, NT, 2 and XP
the title linein plugin expandable string the filename title option the playlist with the the expandable expanded title you specify let you mp3 ogg three different

Download WinAmp Plug-In File Writer 1.21b
Download WinAmp Plug-In File Writer 1.21b
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