UBT 1.1.3
UBT stands for Universal Backup Tool.
UBT stands for Universal Backup Tool. It uses leading-edge technology (parts of UBT are used by NASA) to make backups of your HD while minimizing the storage space required.
Backups can be restored very quick. It is a simple-to-use yet powerful application that is cross-compatible with all modern versions of Windows (hence the word Universal).
Have you ever tried to restore a backup performed with MSBACKUP under Windows 98 on a Windows 2 machine? If so, you will know that although MSBACKUP looks exactly the same in both cases, the versions are not compatible and the restore process is next to impossible.
UBT provides the missing compatibility without sacrificing speed and reliability. It even runs under Linux using 'Wine' - a Windows environment for Linux/Unix.
UBT features
the same full backups with other and the space required compatible with

Download UBT 1.1.3
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