Sqirlz Morph 1.3
Sqirlz Morph is a free software which allows you to mark features on several images and the program mixes the images so that each feature on one image moves smoothly to the corresponding feature on the other images - a technique widely used in the film industry.
Sqirlz Morph is a free software which allows you to mark features on several images and the program mixes the images so that each feature on one image moves smoothly to the corresponding feature on the other images - a technique widely used in the film industry.
Multi-morphing is available - any number of images can be morphed together, so try mixing all your family's faces at the same time!
Morph animations can be saved as Macromedia Flash (SWF) files, AVI video clips, and bitmap and JPEG files.
Sqirlz Morph is an offshoot of the Sqirlz program, and complements Sqirlz and Sqirlz Lite by providing a more 'traditional' approach to warping/morphing based on the use of control points to mark key image features.
As with other morphing tools, you place special control points over important features on each of the images, and the program then distorts each image so that the chosen features are matched (example included).
The entire process can be displayed and saved as animation in AVI or Flash (.swf) format. For best results you need to use the right pictures and some patience.
flash swf control points the images the program images and and the sqirlz morph

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