SkySweeper Standard 3.09
SkySweeper Standard is created for advanced HAMs or DXLs seeking optimal product for the most common HAM modes as well as decoders for the most common utility modes.
SkySweeper Standard is created for advanced HAMs or DXLs seeking optimal product for the most common HAM modes as well as decoders for the most common utility modes.
The RX and TX capability is provided for CW, RTTY, PSK31, PSK63, PSK125, MFSK16, 2MFSK16, 4MFSK16, QPSK31, SkyBoost, SSTV and HELLSCHREIBER modes.
The supported RX only modes are ACARS, AX.25 packet (will be released in 3.02), DGPS, GMDSS/DSC (HF), GMDSS/DSC (VHF), HFDL (HF ACARS), HF-FAX, MIL_ALE (MIL-STD-188-141A), PACTOR-1, ICAO SELCAL, SITOR-A (AMTOR), SITOR-B (NAVTEX), SHIP, SYNOP, WEFAX (NOAA/TIROS),
SkySweeper provides high quality DSP tools: FIR (designable filter), NOISEMIN, NOTCH (notch filter bank up to 8 filters), MIXER, SHIFT (freq shift), PITCH (sampling rate conversion), SigGen (signal generator (sine, noise etc), RECORDER, HUM (hum removal).
There are many analyzers and displays like FFT, 3DFFT, SPECTROGRAM / WATERFALL etc are included. SkySweeper is very easy to use and it provides automatic tuning tools for the most of the modes.
The SkySweeper provies also the capability to receive and transmit the radio signal over the internet.
To secure your investment SkySweeper Standard provides also future proof upgrade path to SkySweeper Professional.
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