MoveIt2 5.53
MoveIt2 is a useful utility that can move files automatically and can also be used in workflows for file distribution.
MoveIt2 is a useful utility that can move files automatically and can also be used in workflows for file distribution.
You can set filters based on the file name, rename files (using regular expressions) when moving them to the new destination, create directories based on the file name or date and check if the file already exists.
MoveIt2 can move files from/to local folders as well as FTP directories. MoveIt2 offers quite a few features that make the program very flexible and useful for a variety of file management tasks as well as file backups.
It runs in the system tray and automatically monitors the selected folders for any additions that match your file moving rules. You can set up as many working threads as wanted (Full Version), each with individual settings. Other features include detailed logging, support for subdirectory scanning, command-line options and more.
MoveIt2 features
Threaded, one thread for each entry
Logging possibilities, at run-time and log file
Separate logging for each MoveIt2 thread (v4.45)
Adjustable log file size (v4.15)
Full debug capability using a Win32 debug monitor (DebugView, freeware at
Enable/Disable debug capability for each thread separately (v4.47)
Adjustible input scan time
Win32 input directory, local or network
Ftp input directory (v4.9)
Input file stabilize option
Scan input subdirectories option
Input file prefix filter
Multiple input file include filter
Multiple input file exclude filter (v4.21)
Input/Output filename rename filter
Input file backup option, local or network
Win32 file move output
Ftp file move output
Multiple file move output, multiple Win32/Ftp or combined
Loadbalancing file move option
Create output subdirectories using the input subdirectories option
Create output subdirectories using the filename option (v4.61)
Create output subdirectories using x char of the filename option (v4.61)
Create output subdirectories using the filedate option (v4.61)
Create output subdirectories using the systemdate option (v4.61)
Fail if file exist option [win32 only]
Delete input file if move fails option [win32 and/or Ftp]
Delete output filename extention
Delete output filename prefix
Editable info screen for each thread (v4.15)
Add security prefix to output filename option (v4.61)
Auto create backup folder if not exist option (v4.61)
Auto create ftp tempory folder if not exist option (v4.61)
Auto create destination folder (win32) if not exist option (v4.61)
Execute command on input file option (v4.69)
Run @ Startup option(v4.74)
Maximum Files at Once option (v4.81)
Ftp Port adjustable (v4.87)
Ftp Receive buffer size option, GET and PUT (v4.87)
Ftp Send Buffer size option, GET and PUT (v4.87)
Ftp Bound IP adres option (v4.87)
Ftp Bound IP port option (v4.87)
Ftp Get resume option (v4.89)
Ftp Put append option (v4.89)
Ftp Passive connection method option (v4.89)
Internal changes in preparation of a service version (v5.0)
Move/Copy function selection (v5.01)
Input file backup options [overwrite, fail if exists, version suffix, datetime suffix] (v5.02)
Delete function selection (v5.03)
Only newer files [win32 only] (v5.05)
Remove ReadOnly flag input files if possible, otherwise ignore (v5.05)
Attention: input and output file rename filter is obsolete ! (-v5.10)
New powerful file rename option using regular expressions (v5.10)
Create multiple output subdirectories separated by '', i.e. %FD%IS:1-5 (v5.14)
Backup only newer files (v5.15)
Up+++/Down--- Listbox MoveIt2 Threads (v5.15)
File Memory option, move/copy/delete the same file once from Win32 input directory (v5.19)
File Memory option, move/copy/delete the same file once from FTP input directory(v5.24)
Startup parameter RunOnce (/RunOnce), MoveIt2 will run once (system tray icon) and terminate. In the Lite version only the first MoveIt2 thread will execute when using this startup parameter. In the Full version every enabled MoveIt2 thread will be executed. The stabilize option doesn't work when using this startup parameter (v5.25).
File Memory option setup, same size+date, same size, same date, older and same date (v5.26)
File Memory option setup, newer and same date (v5.27)
Backup suffix option, start with.. (v5.29)
New backup prefix option (v5.30)
Run in system tray option (v5.31)
Time Schedule option, common (lite version) and for each entry (v5.35)
Time Schedule option, From Time > Until Time (v5.36)
Time Schedule option, From Time > Until Time is obsolete (v5.38)
Time Schedule option, Not From .. Until (v5.38)
Time Schedule option, Enable days not available in Time Schedule (v5.39)
Add Win32 input/output folder using drag and drop (v5.39)
Event Manger option, Sound on Error and/or Success (v5.40)
Event Manger option, Sound on Backup Error and/or Success (v5.41)
The free Lite version is restricted to 5 MoveIt2 threads (moving rules).
input file output subdirectories time schedule create output for each schedule option subdirectories using file move input directory output filename memory option file memory exist option
Download MoveIt2 5.53
Download MoveIt2 5.53
Buy MoveIt2 5.53
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