MacroMouse 1.0
MacroMouse is an utility that allows you program your mouse-pointer by using some simple instructions.
MacroMouse is an utility that allows you program your mouse-pointer by using some simple instructions.
It provides a simple programming language which can be understood by MacroMouse and makes your mouse do what you want over and over again.
MacroMouse starts up and lets you choose a file in which the instructions for the mouse are kept. This way you can program your mouse for different tasks once, and then you can later use those instructions again without having to reprogram the mouse.
MacroMouse can be made to startup at login-time or boot-time. Some other programs require you to do some mouse-clicking before the will start working.
This way MacroMouse allows you to start these programs at boottime, do the clicking and set the programs off running, all this without any intervention of you. MacroMouse becomes an essential tool in auto-booting your software.
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