MacIco 1.0c
Yeah, yeah… we know, you have been disappointed so many times… and yes, they are wonderful… But what in the world can a PC user do with all those strange files downloaded from Mac sites? Click and hope they will be magically transformed into Windows icons? Well this is exactly what MacIco does! We hope it will help you enrich your icon collection in a most wonderful way.
Yeah, yeah… we know, you have been disappointed so many times… and yes, they are wonderful… But what in the world can a PC user do with all those strange files downloaded from Mac sites? Click and hope they will be magically transformed into Windows icons? Well this is exactly what MacIco does! We hope it will help you enrich your icon collection in a most wonderful way.
MacIco will read icons in the MAC native format, for the Windows OS.
Before you start discovering and exploring the wonderful world of Mac icons please read following notes:
In order to decompress and/or decode Mac icons you will need StuffIt Expander. It is a free application from Aladdin Systems that expands most of compressed and encoded formats that you can come across while downloading Mac files. Do not be afraid if you see different extensions (sit, sea, bin, hqx) as StuffIt Expander will take care of that.
One important thing to remember, though, is that MacIco reads icons in Mac native format so make sure that StuffIt Expander's "Save Macintosh files in MacBinary format" option is set on Always (View/Options/Cross Platform).
stuffit expander mac icons native format mac native

Download MacIco 1.0c
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