KIKEE DVD to iPod Converter 3.1
KIKEE DVD to iPod Converter will help you convert DVD movie to iPod.
KIKEE DVD to iPod Converter will help you convert DVD movie to iPod. KIKEE DVD to iPod Converter is valuable and reliable for DVD MPEG2 video to iPod MP4 format video file conversion. All kinds of pop DVD formats was supported by KIKEE DVD to iPod Converter, it's the most powerful DVD to iPod Converter software with a high conversion speed and quality-the conversion.
Speed is far faster than real-time playback, KIKEE will do it just a coffee time. KIKEE DVD to iPod Converter is an easy-to-use software, copy your favorite DVD movies to iPod just need simply clicks, also for advancers, you can choose any chapter of a DVD movie, select one of existing subtitles or audio tracks for converting.
During the conversion time, you can preview the process status or pause/stop the conversion. Note the stop action won't lose the video converted yet.
KIKEE DVD to iPod Converter features
ipod converter kikee dvd the conversion you can select enabled ipod video video file dvd movie dvd mpeg2 conversion speed

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