GGGallery 3.01
GGGallery is a Windows GUI utility that converts your collection of photos or other items that you organized in tree-structure.
GGGallery is a Windows GUI utility that converts your collection of photos or other items that you organized in tree-structure.
The navigation generated by GGGallery has a Slide-show, has pages with thumbnails for a fast overview of items in a group, direct hyperlinks to siblings and parent and grand-parents up to the root, browse-page with all items in indented lists and Previous / Next hyperlinks for visit all items without thinking or to visit only the thumbnail-pages.
A tree structure is a very simple way to organize your photos, first you make a main partitioning of your collection and within each partition you make sub-partitions and so on until you have small collection that can be presented as a group without further partitioning.
It is just like the subdirectories on your harddisk. In fact that is precisely what it will look like in GGGallery as the same userinterface is used as in the left windows of Windows Explorer with the drives and directories.
The picture to the right shows how the tree is presented in GGGallery while the picture to the left shows how this part of the tree is converted into the navigation available in the website generated with GGGallery.
the picture shows how the tree the left you make tree structure the navigation all items your collection

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