FileSee 6.92
FileSee is a program that will help you to view a variety of files quickly.
FileSee is a program that will help you to view a variety of files quickly.
FileSee is a mixtinite of Text file viewer, image viewer, pdf viewer, flash player, mp3 player, midi player, hex file editor, html viewer, Zip file decompresser, filename manager, desktop searching engine, dll viewer, wav2mp3 converter, pdf text extracter, etc.
FileSee has Windows Explorer similar interface.
Supported file types include: txt, html, htm, mht, shtml, shtm, pdf, swf, jpg, jpeg, gif, tif, tiff, bmp, psd, vsd, png, ico, wmf, wmf, tga, pcx, wbmp, jp2, jpc, pgx, pnm, ras, j2k, midi, mid, mp3, wav, avi, mpg, mpeg, wma, wmv, asf, zip, rar, cab, jar, tar, bh, gzip, lha, zoo, arc, ace, arj, fxd, fxr, fxm, xls, xl, xlt, ppt, pps, pot, dot, doc, exe, dll, ocx, ax, rm, ram, rmvb,ra, rp, rpm, rt, wpl, wmx, wmd, wmz, wvx, wax, cda, rmi, aif, aifc, aiff, au, snd, dvr-ms, mpe, mlv, mp2, mpv2, mp2v, mpa, mov, qt, etc.

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