FASoft ParEQ ia a 20 bands DirectX plug-in that allows users to equalize mono and stereo wave files tracks from within audio applications that support the DirectX plug-in architecture.
FASoft ParEQ ia a 20 bands DirectX plug-in that allows users to equalize mono and stereo wave files tracks from within audio applications that support the DirectX plug-in architecture.
Using this plug-in you can modify the sound of a wave file boosting selected bands of frequencies, eliminating others, creating in this way new sounds or enhancing the quality of bad recordings, such as those made thorough a non-excellent microphone.
Using separate settings for left and right channels, the plug-in can "spatialize" the sound for example by enhancing high frequency on one channel and boosting the lower ones in the other.
FASoft ParEQ settings can be easily adjusted with the mouse using an interactive frequency response window, which also displays the signal frequency spectrum in realtime. The plug-in also includes an automatic instrument tuner.
The plug-in supports both 16 bit and 24 bit processing, and uses internal 64 bit precision for optimum sound quality and performance. Being a DirectX plug-in it can
the plug directx plug fasoft pareq the sound

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