EXIF Viewer 2.5
You will estimate at its true worth this new handy utility if you deal with digital photos.
You will estimate at its true worth this new handy utility if you deal with digital photos. Why? Because now you get the most efficient tool for managing them through extended information.
Every digital photo has some extended information, like ImageDescription, Model, Orientation, Copyright, Flash, ExposureTime, UserComment. It's not shown by ordinary viewers. These parameters of the photo are just the ones EXIF Viewer deals with.
The utility helps you to sort, move or copy photos by this photo metadata. Print the list of only those photos that were horizontally made. Or select those with certain exposure. Or you may want to create a .xls or .htm report where every photo is supplied with extended information (EXIF).
If you want to master your photos in full measure EXIF Viewer is the thing you need.
EXIF Viewer supports JPEG, TIFF and RAW Formats (CRW, CR2, NEF, PEF, RAF, X3F, RAW, BAY, ORF, MRW, SRF, MRW).
exif viewer extended information

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