Duceland Designer 1.3 Build 651
Duceland Designer is an integrated editor that supports Programming Flowchart, UML, TFD, ER, Visual Lex & YACC.
Duceland Designer is an integrated editor that supports Programming Flowchart, UML, TFD, ER, Visual Lex & YACC. As an architecture modeling tool, Duceland Designer precisely defines requirement, design class,and details the state diagram of processes.
Though description of different points of view of software engineering in various views, communication becomes more convenient so that the software knowledge of enterprise can come down. .
Duceland Designer integrates code generating engine and generating rules and templates of various languages with the install package. The engine package provides visualized editor making it easier to edit rules by users, penetrating into the execution process of method state flow chart, in the highest flight of this field. To be more applicable this engine extends elements using DLLs by configuring the file organization, breaking though the limit of UML. This is our dominance, open and platformized.
But it is observed that some modeling patterns and design concepts give facilities for some types of soft projects, but the y don't work in other types. This occurs in the programming tools or modeling tools. Code generating does give the coder a reference method, but few coders do their own work with the idea of someone else, neither are the architecture designers of enterprise. However, there are some exceptions, EJB and Biztalk are two of them. To the minor teams, the only approach to the market is the unique functions which are embedded in the Duceland Designer. We believe that the concept can be changed once the functions are developed to a certain level.
Duceland Designer integrates coordination modeling function, connecting to Teamwork Server, enabling several Duceland Designer 3 teams to work together, improving team's cooperation, even extending to your customers, and communicating without end.
duceland designer with the code generating designer integrates that the

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Download Duceland Designer 1.3 Build 651
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