Dr.Tag Plus! 2.0.1 Build 167
Dr.Tag Plus! is an application that was developed to allow you organize your music collection.
Beside the common features like tagging, renaming, playing, etc. Dr.Tag comes up with some nice special features. With burning of Audio and Data CD's feature you can make backups for any purpose.
Ripping and encoding feature let's you easily add new music to your collection. FreeDB support automatically collects all necessary information from the internet database FreeDB.
Restructure tool resorts all music files on your hard disk into folders that you defined before. It uses tag information and current folder information. A tag summary window shows you all the important facts about the current selected file.
Common mode hides any difference about tags from you and autmatically fills all informatoin into any tag. Advanced mode gives you full control about tags in your files.
Abitlity to define templates for restructure, generate tag, rename and swap features gives you all the power you need to clean up your music collection in no time.
Interface for Plug-Ins enables you to use available add-ons.
about tags gives you all the you all music collection your music

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