Descartes3D 2.1
Descartes3D is a dynamic 3D geometry program for school that enables you to construct geometrical objects in space which usually are hardly or not all constructible.
Descartes3D is a dynamic 3D geometry program for school that enables you to construct geometrical objects in space which usually are hardly or not all constructible.
Any modifications on the objects which affect other constructions can be viewed from every possible side immediately. The presentation becomes additionally graphic by the support of 3D glasses.
The viewer gets the impression of seeing the objects "hovering" in front of the computer or projection screen. To complete the package there are diverse functions for displaying calculations. So the program is an essential device for teachers as well as students to deal with mathematics.
Descartes is primarily a useful help to imagine issues of the analytical geometry which cannot be sketched on a plane without losing its clearness.
While other geometry programs emphasize only the optical display, Descartes3D lets you run complex calculations of objects in the three-dimensional space according to high school mathematics.
Examples are calculations of distances, angles or intersection figures.
The use of 3D-glasses additionally supports the understanding of mathematics.
With Descartes3D, mathematics can become an adventure when the built objects float in front of your screen.
Descartes3D supports the understanding of the three-dimensional space.
Descartes3D features
supports the the understanding with descartes3d dimensional space three dimensional other constructions the three the objects

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