Audio2SWF 1.004
Audio2SWF is an extremely easy program to convert your audio files into streaming Macromedia Flash files.
Audio2SWF is an extremely easy program to convert your audio files into streaming Macromedia Flash files. Audio2SWF is easy to use and is a great tool for publising audio for websites.
Why use Flash Audio over other formats such as QuickTime or Windows Media?
It Just Works! Over 97% of all browsers already have the free Flash player installed, so you won't have to worry about your audience being able to listen to your Flash audio.
Flash audio will stream through firewalls!
Flash audio does not require a streaming server!. Put Flash audio right on your website and it is ready for listening without any extra hardware.
Audio2SWF features
flash audio your audio macromedia flash your audience about your audience being output macromedia audio output movie files worry about being able player installed all browsers

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