AT File Mole 2.2.3
A low-level editor for ANI, CUR, ICO, WAV files with a friendly interface that allows also to grab all icons, cursors and bitmaps embedded into EXE, DLL, OCX, CPL, SCR files.
A low-level editor for ANI, CUR, ICO, WAV files with a friendly interface that allows also to grab all icons, cursors and bitmaps embedded into EXE, DLL, OCX, CPL, SCR files.
It gives you the access to all data these files. It allows to edit: the hotpots for ani and cur files, time of displaying for frame, the order of the frames sequence for ani files, all information chunks for ani and wav files, color table for ico, cur, ani files, etc.
You can add or remove some chunks and separately images of icons or cursors, save both a user selected image and the group of image in ICO, CUR, BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG file formats or copy to clipboard. Support alpha blending. Zoom for preview.
There is the explorer-like navigation that allows to know how many icons, cursors and bitmaps was embedded into files. There is the explorer-like navigation for playing wav files.
for ani wav files ico cur the explorer explorer like like navigation ani files embedded into that allows icons cursors cursors and and bitmaps ani and

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