Andrew's Plugins Volume 2 'Distortiontricks' 2.1.9
Andrew's Plugins Volume 2 'Distortiontricks':
16 hi-impact plugins included in set
Millions of effects in one wow plugin set
Bar/split plugin, blur plug-in, mirror plugin, solarization plugin, distortion plug-ins, shudder plugin, wave plugin, gradient distortion plugin, twirl plugin, rotation plugin, color patterns plugin, and more
Plug-in "Blur - Bars": Plugin packed with 100s of variant bars / line distortion effects.
Andrew's Plugins Volume 2 'Distortiontricks':
16 hi-impact plugins included in set
Millions of effects in one wow plugin set
Bar/split plugin, blur plug-in, mirror plugin, solarization plugin, distortion plug-ins, shudder plugin, wave plugin, gradient distortion plugin, twirl plugin, rotation plugin, color patterns plugin, and more
Plug-in "Blur - Bars": Plugin packed with 100s of variant bars / line distortion effects. Use to create abstract as well as subtle distortions or totally zapped imagery.
Plug-in "Blur - Blurs": Camera shudder direction plug-in, apply a shudder in different directions for different RGB channels. The plugin also comes with a wide range of effects modes and layer transparency and blending modes for many unusual shudder effects.
Plug-in "Blur - Mirror": Split blur mirror plugin - one that comes with a huge range of distortion options to create surreal distorted imagery in a myriad of ways.
Plug-in "Color - Psych": Great for those 60s posters as well as surreal and total psych art work. Extreme color plugin.
Plug-in "Color - SolarCity": Solarisation plug-in
Plug-in "Color - SolarFire": Variant solarisation plug-in
Plug-in "Distort - Bars": Image line splitting plug-in
Plug-in "Distort - BlurredWay": Camera shudder and waves
Plug-in "Distort - BlurWave": Distortion / wave and blurs
Plug-in "Distort - Gradient1": Distortion / shift of pixels and paint based on an underlying color gradient.
Plug-in "Distort - Rotator": Twists and turns. The plugin is packed with rotation options and distortion effects for a variety of radial effects. Use to create flowers / ripples / color twirls and more.
Plug-in "Distort - Twists": Twists+
Plug-in "Distort - Waved": Plugin to split image into 100s of different fragments. The basic mode is a wave and shift of image but the image can be cut into many types of joined lines / waves / fragments and more as well as flipped and turned. The plugin also includes effects modes to use the fragmentation as a paint or blur effect. The plugin also can be used on a layer and layer transparency options can be used to modify the layer and use the result in layer effects / selections.
Plug-in "Dots - ColorOp": Plugin creates black and white dots by default but by tweaking the color settings a wide range of colorful dot patterns and dot pattern variants can be created, as well as shadowed and embossed 3D like color patterns. The plugin is superb for create unusual patterned backgrounds as well as text effects and shape effects and more.
Plug-in "Smear - BrightDays": Color smear plug-in
Plug-in "Threshold - Smear": Smeary threshold heat effect
Each plug-in comes with 77 variant output modes / blending modes, modifying any effect in a variety of ways (invert, dark edges, sketch, four different styles of tiling, posterization, randomization, color wrap, channel manipulation, mirror, color factor outputs, sketch, and others)
Each plug-in comes with advanced effects modes, taking the plugin effect and feeding the effect into another effect (such as blurring, horizontal displacement, extreme shift, paint, color blur, smearing, overlay, tone effects, paint, sepia smear, gray, grain and others)
Each plugin comes with transparency settings for use with a layer. The effect modifies the layer transparency. Many different layer modes such as create transparency based on red channel or the inverse and others. Use this information in layer effects, selections and more
Plug-in set includes presets, save your own settings for future use.
Many different channel settings to manipulate the red / green and blue channels
Each plug-in is packed with many experimentation or randomization features to experiment with extreme or subtle changes to the effect or apply different color settings
Each plugin works in standard RGB but the plugins also work in CMYK LAB Grayscale and other color modes as well as in 16 bit
This plugin set is also available in the collection set of all the plugins in the Andrew's Plugins series.
Each plugin comes with a large preview. Manipulate the settings via the preview also to create interactive effects
Plug-ins can be used to create millions and millions of different wow effects and designs
From the creators of the 'Andrew's Filters' series
comes with the plugin and more more plug each plugin effects and effects modes the effect each plug layer transparency and others plugin also packed with

Download Andrew's Plugins Volume 2 'Distortiontricks' 2.1.9
Download Andrew's Plugins Volume 2 'Distortiontricks' 2.1.9
Purchase: Buy Andrew's Plugins Volume 2 'Distortiontricks' 2.1.9
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16 hi-impact plugins included in set
Millions of effects in one wow plugin set
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