AI Picture Explorer 8.9
Ai Picture Explorer (AiPICX) is an all-in-one graphics software that creates, edits, enhances and manages images (and multimedia files).
Ai Picture Explorer (AiPICX) is an all-in-one graphics software that creates, edits, enhances and manages images (and multimedia files).
With our thumbnailing scheme, Windows 9x users can have thumbnail features without a Windows upgrade. XP users will enjoy faster thumbnails (benchmark it and see for yourself) and variably-sized thumbs, which can be recycled to free disk space; complete folders are also done in background to save you time.
Networking support and Batch UnZipper (extracts multiple ZIP files unattended) is included.
Built-in Slide Album rapidly thumbnails your entire drive (supports more than a million slides) and organizes images by similarity to find exact or modified duplicates; proprietary Image Analysis can quantify image quality, rank and sort images that "look like this".
Slide Album can also create multimedia slideshows (or presentations) with variable delays, 173 cool effects, windows-in-windows, gamma, background, rotation, comments and other properties (per slide).
Our speedy viewer is unmatched and includes gamma and widescreen viewing options; included JPEG Wizard creates tiny files with amazing quality. Everyday imaging tools include standard editing functions; EXIF camera and JPEG comments; collage creation grids; "red eye" removal; automatic color tuning and balancing; TWAIN camera and scanner acquisition; instant wallpaper; variable print sizes and positions; smooth resizing; rotate-by-degree; screen capture; color reduction and more ...
Batch image processing and conversion can be applied to a million files -- unattended; unique smoothing and sharpening filters, bitmap compute and histogram-based functions can be combined in vast sequences to correct and enhance any image (see Tutorial).
Content providers (and collectors) can create thumbnailed HTML catalogs for DVD+R/RW, DVD-R/RW, CD-R/RW mastering or simply track contents of removable media with contact sheets or comments and 3D navigation buttons. Novices will appreciate our Web Pages for Dummies wizard.
Popular format support includes PNG, FlashPix, PhotoCD, Photoshop, BMP, PCX, TGA, WMF, DCX, Multi-page TIF (with anti-aliasing for easier reading), MP3, WAV, AVI, MPEG, MIDI, CD audio, WMV, WMA, ASF and more ...
camera and and more comments and slide album files unattended files with

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