123Tag 5.7.0
123Tag is an easy-to-use MP3 Tag editor and file renamer, simple to use to manage the information stored into MP3 files (ID3v1 and ID3v2 Tags).
123Tag is an easy-to-use MP3 Tag editor and file renamer, simple to use to manage the information stored into MP3 files (ID3v1 and ID3v2 Tags).
123Tag is a software that allows you edit and rename files.
File names can be changed automatically using the tag information or otherwise it can extract tag information from the file name. It can also be used to play music and to manage MP3 files. 123Tag provides also en-mass file treatments.
Supported file formats: MPEG-1 Layer3 (MP3), ID3v1 or ID3v2 tags.
Some features of 123Tag :
- extraction of main MP3 tag information (Title, Author, Album, Year, Genre, Track), getting them from both the ID3v1 or ID3v2 tag
- extraction of main MP3 tag information parsing the file name
- advanced editor for the MP3 tag
- main MP3 tag information stored always as ID3v1 tag
- file rename using selected MP3 tag information
- undo function to restore back filename(s) or tag information
- multiple file processing
- exports the ID3 tag info to a .CSV file that you can use with MS Excel, MS Access, and so on
- embedded mp3 player
- fast directory listing
- list of more recent used folders
- file management functions (move, delete, rename, copy file, explore folder)
Language : English/Italiano.
tag information mp3 tag main mp3 file name the file id3v2 tags information stored mp3 files

Download 123Tag 5.7.0
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